Neuroscientists appeal for international collaboration to advance the treatment of neurological illn
Escrito porHarvard neurology professor Álvaro Pascual-Leone and lecturer Réne Drucker-Colín, from the Autonomous University of Mexico, analyse the clinical advantages and research into Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation at the University of Cordoba.
A mathematic model is developed to predict tumour growth.
Escrito porThe result of the investigation was published in the Journal of Computational Physics.
Scientists of the University of Cordoba prove the relationship between growth hormone and obesity
Escrito porIn collaboration with a North American team, researchers of Cordoba have discovered certain cells that act as natural sensors against the accumulation of fat
The plague that devastated Cordoba in 1488 is studied for the first time
Escrito porResearch reveals the origin and consequences of the illness that killed hundreds of Andalusians in the late 15th century
Patricia Ruiz Limón y Alfonso Olaya ganan ‘ex æquo’ el XV Premio Gonzalo Miño Fugarolas”
Escrito porEl jurado, integrado por Lina Badimon, José Viña Ribes y Francisca Sánchez Jiménez, destacan la calidad de las investigaciones de estos trabajos de ciencias de la salud
Un derivado de un cannabinoide frena la acción desencadenante de la enfermedad de Huntington
Escrito porInvestigadores de la UCO en el IMIBIC, la Complutense de Madrid y Vivacell Biotechnology desarrollan un fármaco experimental para tratar los efectos de este neurodegenerativo sin cura