- Categoría profesional: Profesor Ayudante Doctor
- Teléfono: 957 21 84 26
- Correo electrónico: jlperez@uco.es
- Web personal: http://www.uco.es/dptos/depfia/es/personal/pdi-inglesa/135-juan-luis-perez-de-luque-2
Líneas de investigación:
- - Literatura popular en lengua inglesa (ciencia ficción, terror, gótico, fantasía)
- - H.P. Lovecraft
- - Brujería y sus connotaciones comunitarias.
- - Literatura ciberpunk, secreto y democracia.
Publicaciones (selección):
- "Tebeos". Gran Enciclopedia Cervantina, Vol. XII. (2021): En prensa.
- “Secrecy, invisibility and community in Jeanette Winterson’s The Daylight Gate”. Secrecy and community 21st century fiction. Ed. María J. López and Pilar Villar-Argaiz. London: Bloomsbury. 2021: 139-154. (En prensa)
- Ideology and scientific thought in H.P. Lovecraft. Granada: Comares. 2020
- “H.P. Lovecraft’s ‘The Shadow Over Innsmouth’ – Weird Fantasy”. Sci-Fi: A Companion. Ed. Jack Fennell. Bern: Peter Lang. 2019: 17-24.
- "Ghostly presences in H.P. Lovecraft's "Cool Air" and The Case of Charles Dexter Ward". Visitors from the Grave: Ghosts in World Literature. (2019)
- "Unspeakable Languages: Lovecraft editions in Spanish". Lovecraft Proceedings 2 (2017): 109-118.
- "Descending Spirits: ideological implications of the vertical movements in Poe and Lovecraft." The Lovecraftian Poe: Essays on Influence, Reception, Transformation and Interpretation. Ed. Sean Moreland. USA: Rowman and Littlefield, 2017: 89-106.
- "Gothic Mythology: "The Moon-Bog" and the Greek Connection." Lovecraft Annual 8 (2014): 186-204.
- "Fish you can't leave behind: Deep ones and other creatures as symbols of corruption in the narratives of H.P. Lovecraft." Monstrous Manifestations. Realities and Imaginings of the Monster. Ed. Agnieszka Stasiewicz-Bieńkowska and Karen Graham. Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press, 2013. 129-138.
- "Lovecraft, Reality, and the Real: A Žižekian Approach." Lovecraft Annual 7 (2013): 187-203